Welcome to The University of New 榴梿视频-Gallup Student Government

The University of New 榴梿视频-Gallup Student Government is a collaborative leadership assembly comprised of members of the 榴梿视频allup student body. The Student Government is designed to be inclusive of all students who attend 榴梿视频allup. It is intended to provide students with a podium to voice concerns, while providing opportunities to develop and strengthen executive competencies. There are varying levels of commitment and responsibility to meet the needs of the student body.

Student Government Mission Statement:

To constitute the enthusiam of the student body through leadership, inclusion, and initiation of programs that cultivate the lives of 榴梿视频allup students.

What We Do

Student Government is a leadership development program for students who aspire to advance their academic and leadership abilities. Elected representatives initiate aspiring goals for the betterment of the student body to encourage a positive and prosperous educational experience. Student Government is the voice that conjoins the students, administration, and 榴梿视频allup community.

  • A forum for student concerns and ideas and as an interface for those issues with staff, faculty, and administration.
  • Serving on committees concerned with the welfare of the student body.
  • Managing student body financial affairs.
  • Developing a student activity program to meet the varied needs and interests of the student population.
  • Developing and monitoring guidelines for student activities in order to be accountable to the University community.
  • Promoting high standards of personal conduct within the student body.
  • Chartering on-campus student groups.

Dates of Student Government Elections - Spring 2025 Semester

  • Application Open for Elections  Jan. 24, 2025  Gurley Hall
  • Application Deadline  Feb. 19, 2025  Student Activity Office, P.E. Complex
  • Candidate Orientation – Feb. 24, 2025 – SSTC room TBD
  • Election Campaign begins – Feb. 24, 2025 – 榴梿视频allup Campus
  • Meet the Candidates event – Mar. 4, 2025 – SSTC room TBD
  • Election Campaign ends – Mar. 10, 2025
  • Elections – Mar. 11, 2025 – Gurley Hall
  • Results – Mar. 11, 2025 – Gurley Hall/online
  • Installation Ceremony – Mar. 25, 2025 – Gurley Hall

Student Government Meetings

To be determined by newly elected Student Government.

Contact Information

Email: gallupstudentgov@unm.edu

Office Location
Physical Education Complex Room PE115C